- タイトル
- ハムレット Hamlet
- the Players
- ・・・・・・・・・・・・・men at arms・・・・・・・・・・・・・
Francisco・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・John Laurie
Bernardo・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Esmond Knight
Marcellus・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Anthony Quayle
SeaCaptain・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Niall MacGinnis
・・・・・・・・・・・the Play within the play・・・・・・・・・・・
First Player・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Harcourt Williams
Player King・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Patrick Troughton
Player Queen・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Tony Tarver
・・・・・・・・・・・servants to the court・・・・・・・・・・・
Osric・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Peter Cushing
Gravedigger・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Stanley Holloway
Priest・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Russell Thorndike
・・・・・・・・・・the royal court of Denmark・・・・・・・・・・
Claudius(the King)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Basil Sydney
Gertrude(the Queen)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Eileen Herlie
Hamlet(Prince of Denmark)・・・・・・・・・・・・・Laurence Olivier
Horatio(his friend)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Norman Wooland
Polonius(Lord Chamberlain)・・・・・・・・・・・・・Felix Aylmer
Laertes(his Son)・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・Terence Morgan
Ophelia(and his Daughter)・・・・・・・・・・・・・Jean Simmons - 監督
- Laurence Olivier
- 製作
- Laurence Olivier
- 脚本
- Laurence Olivier
- 原作
- William Shakespeare
- 音楽
- William Walton
- 製作
- 1948年 英国
- 上映時間
- 155分
- 英国初回公開日時
- 1948年5月4日
- リリース
- ・
- 参照リンク
- ・Wikipedia(英語)
- おまけ・・・
- ここでも、美しい台詞を原文にて記載いたします。
So oft it chances in particular men ,that through some vicious mole of nature in them .By the o’ergrowth of some complexion oft breaking down the pale and forts of reason .or by some habit grown too much .that these men carrying ,I say ,the stamp of one defect ,their virtues else ,be they as pure as grace ,shall in the general censure take corruption from that particular fault .
・有名な「to be or not to be・・、生か死か・・」の場面
To be or not to be ,that is the question .
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer the sling and arrows of outrageous fortune ,or to take arms against the sea of troubles ,and by opposing end them .
To die ,to sleep ,no more .and by a sleep ,to say we end the heartache and the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to .’tis a consummation devoutly to be wished ,to die ,to sleep ,to sleep .
Perchance to dream .aye there’s a rub . for in that sleep of death what dreams may come when we have shuffled off this mortal coil must give us pause .There is a respect that makes calamity of so long life .For who would bear the whips and scorns of time ,the oppressor’s wrong ,the proud man’s contumely ,the pangs of despised love ,the low’s delays ,the insolence of office ,and the spurns that patient merit of the unworthy takes ,when he himself might his quietus make with a bear bodkin .Who would fardels bear to grant and sweat under the weary life ,but that the dread of something after death ,the undiscovered country from whose born no traveler returns ,puzzles the will ,and makes us rather bear those ills we have ,than fly to others that we know not of .
Thus conscience doth make cowards of us all .and thus the native hue of resolution is sickly o’er with the pale cast of thought .and enterprises of great pitch and moment ,with this regard ,their currents turn ally ,and lose the name of action .
タグ: 英国作品